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CHECKMATE - Beat The Myths And Win The Game


The Ten Myths Are:

Myth 1—Be Great at Selling Your Product
Myth 2—You Need Good Leads
Myth 3—Cross-Selling Is Difficult
Myth 4—Fact-Finding Is Easy
Myth 5—Warm Up and Then Jump into the Presentation
Myth 6—Presentation Materials Are for Amateurs 
Myth 7—Great Salesmen Can Wing It
Myth 8—Don’t Present Multiple Products Simultaneously 
Myth 9—Lead Generation Is Difficult
Myth 10—Closing the Sale Is Difficult


These commonly overlooked or misunderstood industry myths could be holding you back from making thousands of dollars per month. Average careers are generally caused by a lack of knowledge, confidence or belief. Agents are often taught to believe certain age-old myths that are either outdated or never truly worked to begin with. Learning how to address and avoid these 10-career stagnating myths can make all the difference in an agent's career.


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